演讲主题:1) 简化程序设计的方法;2)探索性测试实践 | |
Erik Petersen (English Speaking) | |
国际讲师,敏捷测试专家 | |
Erik has been in custom software develpment for over 20 years, typically with small agile style teams but also on large enterprise projects. His current focus now is testing, test automation and quality, especially exploratory testing. Erik is an international thought leader in agile methods and testing, proposing the concept of paired exploratory testing in 2001, independently of Kaner & Bach. Erik has spoken at dozens of conferences & user groups in Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada, and across Asia. He gave tutorials and sessions at Agile 2008, Agile 2009, Agile Tour China 2010 & QCON Beijing 2011, and is a member of the CITCON open space conference committee. Hear some of Erik’s core learnings in software development by watching his Google Tech Talk, http://www.tinyurl.com/80-20-r... 演讲内容介绍: Mistakeproofing and mistake minimizing design |
演讲主题:真实的故事-一个互联网公司的敏捷之旅 | |
王晓明 | |
敏捷组织转型专家,阿拉丁敏捷组织转型框架创始人 | |
国内知名敏捷专家,敏捷组织转型专家,阿拉丁(http://aaladdin.com)敏捷组织转型框架的创始人,敏思特咨询首席合伙人,拥有作为IT运营总监,研发总监,产品,项目经理,组织转型咨询师,敏捷教练和商务分析师10年的工作经验。他拥有英国约克大学的计算机硕士学位。他为多家国内外大型IT企业提供服务。他在敏捷中国,敏捷之旅,中国软件技术大会,中国软件工程大会,创新工场Mentoring Session,亚洲软件管理峰会等大会上做过精彩演讲。王晓明的博客:http://blog.aaladdin.com, 微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/mmxw
演讲内容介绍:真实的故事-一个互联网公司的敏捷之旅 |
演讲主题:敏捷个人 | |
周金根 | |
广联达软件股份公司架构师 | |
演讲主题:固定价格合同中的需求管理和用户故事 | |
黄贝(Ethan Huang) | |
博克软件项目经理 | |
Ethan Huang, Project Manager at Perficient China (linked-in profile: http://www.linkedin.com/profil... CSP, CSPO, CSD, CSM, PMP Over 10 years working experience in IT industry; 5+ years experience in managing software development projects using waterfall, RUP and MSF; 2+ years experience managing Agile development projects.
Topic Description: |
演讲主题:Scrum的变形 | |
张克强(评审中) | |
宝信软件技术中心项目总监,系统分析师,CSM | |
张克强 系统分析师,Certified Scrum Master,宝信软件技术中心项目总监,负责领导咨询评估团队把业界最佳实践和自身有效实践应用到宝信的各个研发单元中,并组织和协调各单元的交流和分享。在软件工程方面拥有9年经验,主要经历在组织的过程改进、质量保证和测试方面,帮助组织按CMM/CMMI模型进行改进,在2006年通过了CMMI5的评估,从2007年起他为宝信软件引入了敏捷方法,在软件质量和开发效率方面都获得了明显的改善。宝信软件在“CSSPI2009第八届中国系统与软件过程改进年会”上荣获“2009年中国软件生产力风云榜”之第一强。在去年几次的敏捷论坛交流中,他分享了敏捷的过程能力、敏捷设计、CMMI下的敏捷实践等话题。 他的博客地址是:http://hi.baidu.com/hespr
演讲内容介绍:Scrum的变形 |
演讲主题:1)Kanban和Scrum之异同,Kanban的独特价值, Kanban模式下如何运用ATDD;2)敏捷思想的宗教基础 -- 般若波罗蜜多心经(汉字260个)与敏捷宣言(英文264个)对照解读,其相同点都是直指事物本质 | |
窦涵之(评审中) | |
Cugesoft公司创始人 | |
个人简介 Bio:十四年软件开发和管理经验,在六个城市八家公司工作过,在大型跨国公司Scrum模式下以PO角色成功领导百人团队三年多, 马拉松跑和全浸游泳爱好者, 现Cugesoft公司创始人. 个人崇尚理论与实践相结合, 因势利导,持续学习与渐进式变革.
演讲内容介绍:Kanban和Scrum之异同 |
演讲主题:高效自组织团队的浮现 | |
鲍央舟,王德水(评审中) | |
敏捷教练,顾问 | |
鲍央舟:鲍央舟有4年的Scrum敏捷实施经验和2年的Scrum敏捷培训咨询经验。从2007至2009年,她作为一个主要的推动者,负责推动上海爱立信多媒体部门从传统瀑布开发模式向Scrum转型。2009年起,为了帮助更多的公司,她加入了OutSofting软件开发咨询公司。她在全国各地提供培训让人们了解Scrum的基本知识,指导团队使团队知道如何正确使用Scrum的流程,也为整个组织提供咨询以适应Scrum可能带来的改变。 王德水:Deshui Wang has more than 8 years experiences in software development and 6 years in project management. He masters most technologies of .Net platform, and much interested in Ruby on Rails, Open Source and so on. He is focusing on software management and software quality assurance, love Agile, familiar with SCRUM plus some XP practices and successfully using agile methodology in several projects. His blog ishttp://www.cnblogs.com/cnblogs...
In the latest two years, he acts as SCRUM Master in the team, his main jobs is to motivate SCRUM process, and he was involved in analysis, architecture, coding and automate testing scripts, improving system testability continuous integration, version management. 演讲内容介绍:高效自组织团队的浮现 |
演讲主题:小企业的Scrum成长 | |
霍冕(评审中) | |
敏捷实践者,曼拓科技有限公司Frostmourne团队Scrum Master | |
现任曼拓科技有限公司Frostmourne团队Scrum Master,服侍该团队1年,现转职为全职Scrum Master。
小企业在Scrum中的团队成长,以及从生搬硬套Scrum书本知识,到逐步引入Scrum精神,并慢慢引入部分工程实践。并涉及公司通过两次Scrum内训,来是团队更加敏捷,引入全职Scrum Master
演讲内容介绍:小企业的Scrum成长 |
Jeff De Luca (Pending) | |
Jeff De Luca is a global information technology strategist and an author in the field of software development methodology. He is considered the primary architect of Feature Driven Development(FDD) circa 1999 [^JDLBIO], a lightweight methodology for developing computer software with reduced management overhead, time and money. In 1999, Jeff De Luca co-authored Java Modeling In Color With UML (1999, ISBN 0-13-011510-X), along with Peter Coad and Eric Lefebvre. Jeff De Luca was born in 1964. Although Jeff dropped out of secondary school (high school), and did not start with a college degree, he learned, on-the-job, working for years with programmers and designers at IBM in Melbourne, Australia and transferred with IBM to the United States in Raleigh, North Carolina (Jeff De Luca's Biography). At the IBM Rochester Minnesota Programming Laboratory, Jeff developed network software to connect different types of IBM computer systems, and continued learning at IBM for those 11 years. He had begun in the mailroom: in 1981, aged 17, he had left school and started working at IBM, Melbourne, as the mailroom clerk. Jeff resigned from IBM in 1993, as a senior systems strategist. After IBM, Jeff formed his own consultancy company, Nebulon Pty Ltd, based in Melbourne, Australia, and developed extensive, complex software systems using the Java technology (with the programming language), object-modelling in UML, and FDD. |