








   怎样才能让一个有着严重口吃的国王能够向全体国民发表激动人心的演说呢?那一定是几近不可能完成的任务,但是,《国王的演讲》一片中的Lionel Logue做到了,他是一个如此睿智的教练,能够帮助人们逐渐挖掘出内心深处的潜能。怎样才能成为一个象他那样的教练呢?如何才能帮助你的团队真正的领悟 Scrum的真谛?这个主题会给你一些启迪。

    How do you help a king who has bad stammer give and eloquent speech to his entire kingdom? It must be a very difficult mission. But, Lionel Logue did just this in the movie "King's Speech". He proved to be an intelligent coach, with great skill at looking deep into peoples psyche. He could help people dig out their true potential gradually. How can you be a coach like him? How can you help your team really understand the value of Scrum? This track will provide some insights.