







(此CSD培训由UPerform及Odd-e举办,报名详情请访问UPerform网站。电话 021-63809913, 邮箱: service@ScrumChina.com)

Certified Scrum Developer Track(Scrum联盟CSD认证学分敏捷技术实践工作坊3天)

日期: 6月26-28  上海

Intensive Agile Technical Practices Workshop 3-Day

    All courses on the Certified Scrum Developer track are taught by Registered Education Providers or Certified Scrum Trainers. For more information on the curriculum for the CSD credential, visit http://www.scrumalliance.org/pages/certified_scrum_developer.

  • This course fulfills the technical skills requirement on the Certified Scrum Developer track.

    这次课程是一次敏捷开发高手的盛宴:包括Vernon Stinebaker,Steven Mak, Stanly Lau, 麦宇安,张晓良等等数位海内外实战经验丰富的资深敏捷顾问及开发者一起提供超高性价比的培训。

    此课程大部分收益将拨归支持Scrum Gathering上海2011大会。

   This class is collaborating between UPerform and Odd-e, with all net profit to be contributed directly to the Scrum Gathering Shanghai event as supporting fund. It will be taught primarily by Vernon Stinebaker, together with other experienced Agile coaches from Odd-e, which promises to be an incredible learning experience. 


    This 3-day intensive course is aimed at helping software developers and teams be more effective in creating working software Sprint by Sprint, when implementing the Scrum framework and other agile software development methodologies.  This course is designed to deliver the core Agile Development Practices Learning Objectives of the CSD program and should prepare the participant to successfully pass the Scrum Alliance CSD Candidate Assessment.


Learning Objectives

This Course Satisfies these Learning Objectives from the Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Developer Program:
  • Architecture and Design: The principles and patterns that drive code quality and support quick delivery of value from testable understandable and correct code.

  • Test Driven Development:  Practice of Test First to help ensure the requirements are well understood and automated tests (safe net) be added to the process to validate the software as a whole in the future.
  • Collaboration: The teamwork and collaboration on a Scrum team.
  • Refactoring: The process of improving the design of software to increase the understandability and testability of the code and allow for easy and safe additions to the system in the future. 
  • Continuous Integration: The process of creating and running automated build and test cycles as new code is checked in so that cross-application issues are discovered as soon as possible.




学习目标  Learning Objectives  


  • 架构和设计 Architecture and Design:  支持和驱动高质量代码的架构和设计,支持通过可测试的、易懂的和正确的代码来实现价值的迅速交付
  • 测试驱动开发 Test Driven Development:   实践测试先行的开发方式,以帮助落实对需求的把握和理解,以及通过逐步创建自动化测试(安全网)以在将来能持续地随时地验证整个软件 
  • 协作 Collaboration:  演练Scrum团队内的有效协作
  • 重构 Refactoring:  持续改进软件设计,以提升代码的可理解性和可测试性,以在将来能比较容易和安全的对系统添加新的特性
  • 持续集成 Continuous Integration:  演练创建和运行自动化构建和测试循环的过程,通过新代码的签入激发集成和自动化测试的循环,以让系统中的问题尽早暴露和得到及时修复 

此CSD培训由UPerform及Odd-e举办,报名详情请访问UPerform网站。电话 021-63809913, 邮箱: service@ScrumChina.com