公司名: Scrum Alliance
公司简介:The Scrum Alliance is a not-for-profit professional membership organization created to share the Scrum framework and transform the world of work.
The Scrum Alliance's mission is to increase awareness and understanding of Scrum, provide resources to individuals and organizations using Scrum, and promote the iterative improvement necessary to succeed with Scrum. The Scrum Alliance hosts Scrum Gatherings and supports Scrum User Groups, providing a forum for interactive learning throughout the world.

For More: http://www.scrumalliance.org/welcome_to_scrum_alliance
公司名: Uperform
公司简介:UPerform is the leader in Scrum and Agile training and consulting in China and surrounding regions. All our consultants are with extensive experiences and very importantly, good management and organizational insights into challenging agile transition and various sizes of development projects. Our Vision:to become your agile and project performance partner. Our Mission:to help our clients develop competent agile individuals and high-performing agile project teams, in order to produce the best business value for your organization and your clients.
公司名: Odd-e
公司简介:Odd-e is a small company focusing on software quality, agile and lean development, training and coaching. At this moment, our main focus is on Scrum.
公司名: Outsofting
公司简介:OutSofting is a software development consulting company with presence in Canada and China that provides Agile development training and consulting as well as advisory services for software development offshoring to China.
公司名: CCG
公司简介:We have been successful introducing SCRUM for over 6 years. We are proficient in observing your needs, and fine tune our methods accordingly. We have profound knowledge of the work impact due to cultural differences. Our resources are experienced and are ready to assist bridging the gap. We make every effort to respond to our customers’ needs in the shortest turn-around time possible. Trust in us that we are as agile as a company can be.
公司名: InfoQ
公司简介:InfoQ.com (Information Queue) is an independent online community focused on change and innovation in enterprise software development, targeted primarily at the technical architect, technical team lead (senior developer), and project manager. InfoQ serves the Java, .NET, Ruby, SOA, and Agile communities with daily news written by domain experts, articles, video interviews, video conference presentations, and mini-books. InfoQ launched June 8 2006. InfoQ's primary mission is to contribute to the evolution of the communities we serve.
公司名: MSUP
务流程,以及享誉三十余年软件研发管理实践而闻名。 作为一家著名的软件业峰会论坛、培训咨询服务商,是中国软件业高端咨询市场的龙头。咨询顾问、讲师来源于微软亚洲研究院、微软总部
公司名: eBay
公司简介:With more than 94 million active users globally, eBay is the world's
largest online marketplace, where practically anyone can buy and sell
practically anything. Founded in 1995, eBay connects a diverse and
passionate community of individual buyers and sellers, as well as small
businesses. Their collective impact on e-commerce is staggering
公司名: 图灵教育