








   每次看完《魔戒》,我都会再把拍摄花絮重温一遍,里面有很多有趣的事情,告诉我们这部伟大的电影是如何制作完成的。从项目的角度来看,它是如此的复 杂,所以,为了提高效率,加强团队间的合作,整个制作团队制定了一些必须的原则,例如道具的最终设计方案如何确定,就象甘道夫的烟嘴?。其实,无论是什么 样的项目,我们都需要建立一些团队的共识,以便让团队可以很好的,高效的工作在一起。因此,在这个主题中,我们就来谈谈敏捷以及Scrum中的一些共识和 约定。

   Every time I watch the movie of "The Lord of The Rings"  I enjoy the highlights at the end of the movie. It provides lots of detailed information about how this great film was created. It was a complex project and in order to have good collaboration and efficiency some necessary rules were set up like how to decide on the final design of the props, Gan Randolph's pipe, for example. Whatever type of project, we need some agreements to bind the team and help them to work together smoothly and efficiently. In this track we will talk about such agreements and the rules of Scrum.