







   就像《功夫熊猫》中龟大师的那句哲言,“昨天已是历史,而明天是一个谜题”,软件开发,尤其是复杂系统的开发,就像是在一个未知的地方旅行。我们需 要知道方向在哪里,也需要知道到达那里的可能途径。有的时候,当我们无法找到清晰的方向时,我们会感到沮丧和愤怒。不过我们始终相信,虽然明天不可预测, 但我们可以一步一步去发现它。所以,在这个主题里,我们会告诉你如何解开明天这一谜题。

   Like that famous words in Kung Fu Panda, "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery", software development, especially complex systems is like traveling to an unknown place. We need to know the destination and a possible way to get there. We may feel confused and frustrated as we seek to find clear direction. We know the future cannot be predicted, but we know it can be found step by step. This track investigates how we can find our way in complex projects, and embrace the wonderment and value that not knowing what tomorrow might bring.