







   007邦德可能是世界上最著名的间谍了,他总是拥有各种高科技的武器和装备来帮助他转危为安。敏捷的团队也会象007一样,选择不同的工具来帮助他 们克服困难,取得成功。一个好的工具往往可以帮助团队及个人最大程度的发挥能力,并且能够帮助发掘出他们的潜力,前提是,团队知道何时以及如何正确的使用 它。在这个主题中,你会分享到不同团队使用不同工具的经验与心得,来帮助你成为一个敏捷工具达人。

   James Bond, the world's most famous spy always has so many different weapons and tools to help him out of every situation. Similarly agile teams that choose tools wisely are able to augment their success. A good tool may develop the team's as well as individual's skills, and help them realize their true potential. The precondition is knowing when and how to use the tool. This track will share the experiences about various tools and their use in practice.